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Why a retreat?

We live in a stressful society. We are often busy and do not really know the concept of 'rest'. Also in our 'quiet time' with God we are often not still and in peace and our thoughts continue. It is therefore important to escape from all daily worries and thoughts in order to focus on achieving your goal. To realize this you have to be at rest. Of course you can also do this in your own environment, but there is often a lot of distraction there.

That is why we have taken it upon ourselves to help you and create the space so that you have time to seek God, to receive answers to the questions you have come with and to return home equipped.

We often think that God is only present in the hustle and bustle and hectic pace. In the Bible we read that God was not present in the strong wind, the earthquake, or in the fire, but in the soft whistling of the wind. God is not only present in meetings, conferences or seminars. He is also present in the silence,

when we seek Him in solitude and rest as Jesus often did.

Having said this, we want to make it clear that a silent retreat is about your personal experience. It is not a seminar, not a workshop, and not a conference.

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